Mission & Vision
The Paupack United Methodist Church is a welcoming Christian community, developing personal relationships with God, growing together in love and faith, and promoting social responsibility. This is our Mission.
Our Vision of the community and each member of the congregation is: through diligent prayer and genuine love, bring each of us personally and collectively to the understanding of God's work and Will in our lives, our church and our community.
What we Believe​
PRAYER— That prayer releases the power of God to accomplish his purposes for our church, in our lives, for those we care about
and those in need.
TRUTH— That the bible was given by God to serve as the standard for the life and practice of believers as a source of encouragement,
comfort, and wisdom.
WORSHIP— That authentic worship glorifies God, edifies believers,
and inspires seekers.
FAMILY— That the family is pattern for relationships within the church and the target for ministry, focusing on parents, teens & children.
OUTREACH— That God’s love is expressed to a broken and needy world by using our skills and resources, to help and offer hope.
CREATIVITY— That creativity in our approach to ministry reflects God’s nature and appeals to the people of today

Doing Life Together
Relationships are a key part of Paupack UMC. Through building friendships, training, working with our outreach teams, and providing need-based ministries, we adopt the approach expressed in 1 Thessalonians 1:8 that states, “We love you so much that we
were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.”
Providing programs for intentional spiritual growth opportunities is a part of our discipleship ministry. See the monthly schedule sheet in the rear of the sanctuary to find out what opportunities are offered here.
Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church
The Paupack UMC is part of the Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church. To learn more about our conference, visit: www.susumc.org
Susquehanna Conference is part of the United Methodist Church. To learn more about the United Methodist Church, visit: www.umc.org